Our Clients
Because the poverty level in Washington County is 28%, CLC support for our community is vital for the survival of many citizens.
Who we serve:
Among our clients are the elderly, the chronically ill, the working poor, members of broken families, and those who have lost their jobs. We see approximately 90 people a month for help.
Setting clients up for success:
All potential clients are interviewed by a trained team of volunteers. Everyone is asked to provide copies of all bills and proof of any income to complete a budget to determine eligibility. The amount of money left over after bills are paid is the greatest factor for assistance. Records are kept of all information shared and each visit is noted.
How we assist clients:
Clients are assigned one Tuesday a month to get their food orders. They may come that Tuesday or one later in the month, but clients must wait four weeks before receiving assistance again. If they find themselves not in need for a particular month, they are asked to skip that month.